Monday, 12 August 2013

The Craft Barn Alpha Challenge, Letter D

I'm loving this alpha dictionary challenge over at the Craft Barn.  It's proving very good for my vocabulary!! The challenge and other entries can be found here. So week 16 and the challenge is letter D.  I checked out a few words and was delighted to find a word relating to Trees, especially as missed last weeks letter due to holidays.
 Dendrology - the study of Trees

The base page has been painted with gold and silver paints.  The head stencil is my own and the tree stencil is by Crafters Workshop.  
TFL  Lou x


  1. What a great word discovery! I love your image too - very original! Julie Ann xx

  2. Very cool word and depiction. I think its dentrites which are in the brain and they look like trees - I guess thats why they were so named. So your page makes perfect sense to me.

  3. Another fabulous word, love your interpretation a fabulous page.

    Sylv xx

  4. Great interpretation and a new word to me. MMx

  5. Did not know that word, so thank you :)
    Thank you for playing with us at the Craft Barn
