Monday, 30 September 2013

Craft Barn Alpha Challenge Letter :J

I can't believe we are at the 20th letter of this challenge already, where has the year gone?  Check out the challenge and other fabulous entries HERE @ Craft Barn Blog.

I've opted for another word from The Prontistery, I love reading through all those oddities!!

J = Joculator aka Jester

Hand drawn traditional jester hat, painted with shimmering H2O in purple and yellow gold. 
Embellished with bells, 
well it wouldn't be a jester hat without those bells now would it.

A quick and easy take on this challenge, just what I needed.

TFL  Lou x

Sunday, 8 September 2013

@ Culbin Forest

Found this old picture of me (2006), I think me and my girls were doing the Easter Egg Hunt with my Mum.  It's a beautiful forest with paths leading the the beach along the Moray Firth coastline.  A great place to walk any time of the year.  The sketch challenge set by Sue on her blog HERE seemed perfect for this outdoor photo, not sure why I have a twig in my hair!! 

Lou x

Monday, 2 September 2013

Craft Barn Alpha Challenge: Letter Z

The next letter in this challenge is Z. Quite a challenging letter I think.  You can check out the challenge and other fabulous entries HERE.  Calling on my interest in Buddhism once again, I've opted for

ZENDO: a Buddhist mediation hall, more specifically for sitting meditation.

Feeling in need of a Zen-like day, I've opted for a Zen like page. I lightly gesso'd over the background, then stamped the meditating buddha images onto tissue paper, before glueing to the page.  Strips of black paper frame the 'hall'.  Red crystals where applied for a halo of stillness.  

I'd like to thank everyone who takes the time to leave me a comment, I really appreciate it.  I'm delighted to hear  I'm not the only one with a reluctance to embrace OIKOLOGY!!

TFL Lou x