Monday, 30 September 2013

Craft Barn Alpha Challenge Letter :J

I can't believe we are at the 20th letter of this challenge already, where has the year gone?  Check out the challenge and other fabulous entries HERE @ Craft Barn Blog.

I've opted for another word from The Prontistery, I love reading through all those oddities!!

J = Joculator aka Jester

Hand drawn traditional jester hat, painted with shimmering H2O in purple and yellow gold. 
Embellished with bells, 
well it wouldn't be a jester hat without those bells now would it.

A quick and easy take on this challenge, just what I needed.

TFL  Lou x


  1. Another fab new word for me. I love the bells on the jester's hat - great attention to detail.

  2. Brilliant ---and with added bells too. It's very jocular!

  3. Great choice of word simply illustrated and with H2Os pretty I can imagine the shine

  4. Perfectly drawn & the bells are the perfect finishing touches :o)

  5. I can't believe it's the 20th letter either!! Time flies when you are having fun!!!...Brilliant Jesters hat and the bells are a fabby touch!! :)

  6. Wonderfully simple page but so effective, love the jesters hat with those bells, great word.

    Sylv xx

  7. Fantastic page with great colour combo for the jester's hat

    Chrissie x

  8. Great word and great jester's hat. MMx

  9. Never heard this word before. Great hat.

  10. Wow great word choice! Love the jesters hat. Hugs Frea

  11. Fun Joculator page but are those bells going to prove troublesome with the next letters to come?, but isn't that the trade of a jester - to have the last laugh.

  12. Love the little bells, brilliant page
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn
