Sunday, 16 February 2014

The Craft Barn Q&L Challenge

Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave me a comment, very much appreciated.  This fortnight the Craft Barn challenge words are "Miss" and/or "Strong".  You can check out the challenge  HERE.

Sticking with my Affirmation Cards, I picked the quote:
"Love is Life, if you miss love then you miss life."

Dictionary pages have been used for the background, I've painted the background with cream and lilac paint, then  used chalk pastels to add pink and white highlights.  The heart was stencilled on using chalk pastels and the heart beat stencilled using ink.  

TFL  Lou x


  1. Visiting from The Craft Barn - that is a very true quote. Well done on finding, and using it. And also for depicting the quote so well :o)

  2. Love your page, great background with the book page and i do like the heart and the beating of it. Quote and page are in harmony and are gorgeous :-) xxx

  3. Lovely page - love the background!

  4. Great quote and I love the lifeline through the heart!

  5. Fab quote and depiction for your affirmation card. A modern image of life with the lifeline - love it.

  6. Fantastic quote and great creation.

  7. Fab quote and your interpretation is great. MMx

  8. A fantastic page and great quote.

  9. How impressive. I adore the stencils you used. What a great way to show your point. I agree about the quote, too. It is SO true.
