Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Craft Barn Q&L Challenge: Marriage and/or Age

Thanks to everyone who left comments on my last entry, it is always fun to read through.  The Craft Barn Challenge and all other entries can be checked out HERE.  Lots of exciting fun quotes for Marriage and/or Age.  I had to pick one that was suitable for an Affirmation Card.

"Live Your Life and Forget Your Age"  

With my Mum taking up ballet classes for the first time at 69yrs young and my Mother-in-law who started to play the clarinet in her early 70's,  how could I not use this quote!!

The background is a collage of book/music pages, coloured with my favourite chalk pastels.  
The image was stamped onto tissue paper and then applied to the base with Modge Podge.


Lou x


  1. Love the page. That quote is so true.

  2. WOW i am loving the quote and learning that your Family members are taking up new and re-kindling old passions is so inspirational. Great colours and images :-) xxx

  3. Great quote and beautiful page!

  4. Great quote and I love the stamp you've used. Lets just keep playing no matter what age we are!!

  5. I totally enjoyed how the children were playing and dancing. What a great quote, and of course, I really enjoyed the back story, too.

  6. Lovely image for a great quote!

  7. Love the quote and so appropriate for you.

  8. Love that quote - Great page :)

  9. Great page, love the colour and the children playing, wonderful quote too.

    Sylv xx

  10. Great quote and I love the stamp you have used! xx
